More pets get lost on the 4th of July than any other day during the year. Fireworks are downright terrifying for some animals and extra measures should be kept to make our pets feel secure and keep them safe during what must sound like the end of the world to them.
- Make sure your pet is wearing identification tags should they get out of the house. It’s very easy for a pet to dash out an open door if frantic and looking for somewhere to run and hide.
- Keep pets safely inside. Make a safe space for them – preferably the most inner room in the house. Play music or leave the tv on for some distracting background noise. Try to distract them with new toys or games to take their minds off the noise outside.
- Keep pets away from fireworks being stored in the house and while being lit. Frightened pets can easily end up too close to the show and get hurt.
- Consider giving your pets some calming treats or Rescue Remedy hours ahead of when you anticipate the start of fireworks noise. Don’t wait until they’re frantic and vibrating with fear! It’s a lot harder to calm an already excited/frightened pet rather than give them some calming aids in advance so perhaps the noise doesn’t impact them as much with the help of the calming treats. It’s always good to do a test run prior to when you anticipate needing to keep them calm to see how they react to the calming treat.
- If you’re going to be away at a 4th of July celebration even for only a few hours, consider having someone stay with your pets while you’re out of the house. While some pets will still be frightened, often having the company of your trusty pet sitter or family member or friend will soften the blow.